Once, the rabbit was a messenger of worlds, digging underneath the earth or jumping to the moon to convene with shades and shadows and what not, only to surface or come down with the usual unbelievable stuff that gods usually say or make people do. But then again, rabbits also had a fair share of quicksilver in them, as it was the fashion to sport them in the past, past century. That is to say, they would seem to self-absorbed humans as mad. Hence, understand that whatever is said henceforth may or may not be of the same addled condition.
Forgotten Words
RESISTENTIALISM n. the spiteful behaviour of inanimate objects.
"In a remarkable feat of resistentialism, the door refused to open despite Edward's very persistent efforts involving his fists, feet, and quite a number of chairs now missing a limb or so."
bites when happy. bites when sad. likes fragmented sentences to the demise of grammar. will have pastries. sells flowers in Convent Garden ("Flowers for tupence, Sir?). frequently lost. is happily lost in the company of her most beloved, almost fat, house cat in tattered armour.
At last!!! I wated for so long to. thankyou! :)